No-Upfront-Cost Resource for Small Businesses
According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), having adequate access to capital is one of the biggest challenges to entrepreneurs in reaching their potential.
If you are an entrepreneur of a pre-launch or early stage business seeking $10,000 to $10,000,000 of capital to start or grow your business, this program is tailor made for you.
There is no upfront cost to apply!
Instead, we are paid based upon your capital raise with a refundable deposit that isn’t collected until after your first tranche of capital.
Our Technical Advisory Team of Business Paralegals has SBDC/SBA and SCORE experience and can help any small business owner raise at least $100,000 – guaranteed, by meeting the credibility factors required to get approved. With this program any business can qualify for funding!
- There are no minimum credit scores or time in business to participate.
- Capital could come from numerous sources including business credit based solely on EIN-based financing with no use of personal credit/no personal guarantees.
- We’ll assign a Business Paralegal to work closely with you to prepare for your capital raise.
- First tranche of financing is expected in less that 10 days!
- Our innovative model is a collaboration of a 501(c)(3) non-profit and a technical advisory firm staffed by Business Paralegals incorporating curriculum developed by the FDIC/SBA.
- There is no risk to you. Everything, including the $100,000 guarantee, is in writing.
- All types of capital are available including: low interest, long-term loans; lines of credit; equity, etc.